We are all stressed up with all that is happening around us. The numbers are scaring us. Watching the news has become something in the past. Staying positive is getting tough each day. But remember, it is not the time to give up on our hope, belief and faith.
There is only one thing that will protect us against COVID-19, i.e. our immune system. It is our defence system against foreign invaders such as viruses, infections, bacteria and other antigens. White blood cells play an important role in this defence system. It not only kills the invaders but also remembers them for future protection. White blood cells trigger antibodies that help get rid of these antigens, stays in our bodies in case the antigen invades us again. Therefore, it is the need of the hour to protect, build and make our immune system stronger and healthier.
So today, we will discuss some habits that you can acquire to keep your immunity at its peak.
1. A Good Night Sleep
Research has shown that deprived sleep leads to low T cells that are a type of immune cells. Our stress hormones increase when we have a disturbed sleeping pattern. And this hinders the efficiency of T cells in fighting against pathogens. Sleep at least 7-8 hours each day consistently with a regular sleeping pattern.
2. Drinking water
Staying hydrated helps keep our overall body healthy and free from toxins and bacteria. Dehydration makes us susceptible to illness which otherwise is flushed off from our body when we are hydrated. Although the amount of water depends on the weather and your daily routine, try drinking a minimum of 8 to 10 glass of water daily.
3. Moderate exercise
Regular moderate exercise such as brisk walking and jogging helps generate immune cells regularly. It also increases the effectiveness of vaccines in our body. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week.
4. Say NO to Alcohol and Smoking
Alcohol has diverse effects on our body which ultimately reduces our immunity. For example, it affects the functioning of our immune cells in our lungs which fights the pathogens in the airway. Thus, making it easier for the pathogens to enter the lungs and cause severe illness.
Smoking affects the oxygen levels in our body, increases inflammation (Autoimmune generation that affects our tissues) thus, affecting our immune system.
5. Managing stress
Stress has positive effects on the immune system for immediate situations. It helps avoid infections and heal wounds. But stress extended over time reduces the body’s response to foreign invaders, leading to becoming infection-prone. It not only makes your body susceptible to viral illnesses but also increases the time to recover from illness or injury. To know more about how stress affects your body, check out my other blog “How Stress affects Your body?”
Doing meditation, yoga and moderate exercise helps to manage stress levels.
Making a new habit needs practice and to learn about a technique that guarantees to make a habit into a lifestyle read my other blog on “21/90 Rule”.
Although all these habits help you boost your immune system and keep it healthy, I must warn you that it is not the protection against COVID-19. Wear your masks at all times, maintain social distancing and keep washing your hands regularly.
Tell me in the comment section, how many of these are you following right now and what else did I miss. Do tell me what you would like to read on my next blog. Until then, be safe and alert.